
s. knewa-;

Germanisches Wörterbuch . 2014.

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  • genu- — I. genu 1 Knee; also angle. Oldest form *g̑enu , becoming *genu in centum languages. 1. Variant form *gneu . a. knee, from Old English cnēo, knee, from Germanic *knewam; b. kneel, from Old English …   Universalium

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  • knee — {{11}}knee (n.) O.E. cneo, cneow knee, from P.Gmc. *knewam (Cf. O.N. kne, O.S. kneo, O.Fris. kni, M.Du. cnie, Du. knie, O.H.G. kniu, Ger. Knie, Goth. kniu), from PIE root *g(e)neu (Cf. Skt. janu, Avestan …   Etymology dictionary

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