

Germanisches Wörterbuch . 2014.

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  • clammy — [14] Etymologically, clammy means ‘sticky as if smeared with clay’. It comes from the now obsolete verb clam ‘smear, stick’. This goes back to Old English clǣman, a word of ancient ancestry: its prehistoric Germanic source was *klaimjan, a verb… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • clammy — (adj.) late 14c., probably from M.E. clam viscous, sticky, muddy (mid 14c.), from O.E. clæm mud, sticky clay, from P.Gmc. *klaimaz clay (Cf. Flem. klammig, Low. Ger. klamig sticky, damp, O.E. clæman to smear, plaster; Cf. CLAY (Cf. clay)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • klaima- — *klaima , *klaimaz germ., stark. Maskulinum (a): nhd. Lehm; ne. clay; Rekontruktionsbasis: ae., ahd.; Etymologie: idg. *gleim , Verb, Substantiv, kleben …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

  • clammy — [14] Etymologically, clammy means ‘sticky as if smeared with clay’. It comes from the now obsolete verb clam ‘smear, stick’. This goes back to Old English clǣman, a word of ancient ancestry: its prehistoric Germanic source was *klaimjan, a verb… …   Word origins

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