
s. dauba-;

Germanisches Wörterbuch . 2014.

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  • deaf — [OE] Ultimately, deaf and dumb come from the same source, and moreover they are related to a Greek word for ‘blind’. The common denominator ‘sensory or mental impairment’ goes back to an Indo European base *dheubh , which denoted ‘confusion,… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • deaf — [OE] Ultimately, deaf and dumb come from the same source, and moreover they are related to a Greek word for ‘blind’. The common denominator ‘sensory or mental impairment’ goes back to an Indo European base *dheubh , which denoted ‘confusion,… …   Word origins

  • deaf — O.E. deaf deaf, also empty, barren, specialized from P.Gmc. *daubaz (Cf. O.S. dof, O.N. daufr, O.Fris. daf, Du. doof deaf, Ger. taub, Goth. daufs deaf, insensate ), from PIE dheubh , which was used to form words meaning confusion, stupefaction,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • dauba- — *dauba , *daubaz germ., Adjektiv: nhd. taub, betäubt, empfindungslos; ne. deaf (Adjektiv), stunned; Rekontruktionsbasis: got., an., ae., afries., anfrk., as., ahd.; Etymologie …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

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