

Germanisches Wörterbuch . 2014.

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  • darn — English has two distinct words darn. The verb ‘mend with stitches’ [16] may come ultimately from an Old English verb diernan ‘hide’, a derivative of the adjective dierne ‘secret’, which in turn was descended from West Germanic *darnjaz. Darn the… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • dern — secret, hidden (obsolete), from O.E. derne concealed, secret, dark, from W.Gmc. *darnjaz (Cf. O.S. derni, O.Fris. dern, O.H.G. tarni secret, concealed ). As a verb, to conceal, from O.E. diernan to hide. Cf. O.H.G. tarnjan to conceal, hide; Ger.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • tarnish — {{11}}tarnish (n.) 1713, from TARNISH (Cf. tarnish) (v.). {{12}}tarnish (v.) 1590s, from prp. stem of M.Fr. ternir dull the luster or brightness of, make dim (15c.), probably from O.Fr. terne (adj.) dull, dark, from a Germanic source cognate with …   Etymology dictionary

  • darnja- Ⅱ — *darnja , *darnjaz germ., Adjektiv: nhd. verborgen, getarnt, heimlich; ne. hidden (Adjektiv), masked; Rekontruktionsbasis: got., ae., afries., as., ahd.; Etymologie: vergleiche …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

  • darn — English has two distinct words darn. The verb ‘mend with stitches’ [16] may come ultimately from an Old English verb diernan ‘hide’, a derivative of the adjective dierne ‘secret’, which in turn was descended from West Germanic *darnjaz. Darn the… …   Word origins

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