

Germanisches Wörterbuch . 2014.

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  • gʷher- — To heat, warm. Derivatives include brand, brandy, forceps, and fornicate. 1. Zero grade form *gʷhr . a. burn1, from Old English beornan, byrnan (intransitive) and bærn …   Universalium

  • brand — [OE] A brand was originally a ‘piece of burning wood’; the word comes from West and North Germanic *brandaz, a derivative of the same base (*bran , *bren ) as produced burn, brandy, and perhaps broil. In the 16th century it came to be applied to… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • brand — {{11}}brand (n.) O.E. brand, brond fire, flame; firebrand, piece of burning wood, torch, and (poetic) sword, from P.Gmc. *brandaz (Cf. O.N. brandr, O.H.G. brant, O.Fris. brond firebrand, blade of a sword, Ger. brand fire ), from root *bran /*bren …   Etymology dictionary

  • branda- — *branda , *brandaz germ., stark. Maskulinum (a): nhd. Brand, Schwert, flammendes glänzendes Schwert (in Personenname); ne. fire (Neutrum), torch (Neutrum), sword; Rekontruktionsbasis: got., an., ae., afries., as …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

  • brand — [OE] A brand was originally a ‘piece of burning wood’; the word comes from West and North Germanic *brandaz, a derivative of the same base (*bran , *bren ) as produced burn, brandy, and perhaps broil. In the 16th century it came to be applied to… …   Word origins

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