

Germanisches Wörterbuch . 2014.

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  • Waison — This unusual surname is of Anglo Saxon (Germanic) and Norman French pre 10th Century origins. It derives from the word wazo , itself a development of wado , meaning to go . Originally it was a baptismal name of some popularity, and this is… …   Surnames reference

  • Gash — Recorded as Gaish, Gash, Gashe, Gasche, Gish, Goosh, Gosh, Gush, Wace, Waison, Wash, Wass and others, this is an English surname. It is however of pre 7th century Old French origins, and derives from the early personal name Gace, itself from an… …   Surnames reference

  • Gush — Recorded as Gaish, Gash, Gashe, Gasche, Gish, Goosh, Gosh, Gush, Wace, Waison, Wash, Wass and others, this is an English surname. It is however of pre 7th century Old French origins, and derives from the early personal name Gace, itself from an… …   Surnames reference

  • Guess — Recorded in many forsm as shown below, this surname is of Anglo Saxon (Germanic) and Norman French pre 10th century origins. It derives from the personal name word Gazo or Wazo , a development of wado, meaning to go . Originally it was a… …   Surnames reference

  • Wash — This interesting surname is of Norman origin, and derives from the Norman personal name Wazo , apparently from a compound Germanic name with the first element wod to go. The personal name originated as a nickname for someone who was full of… …   Surnames reference

  • Way — Recorded in many forms including Way, Waye, Wey, Weigh, Attaway, Bitheway, Byway (English) Weg, Wegman and Wegmann (German), Van der Weghe, Van der Wegen and Wegman (Dutch) Wegsman (Askenasic) and possibly others including the English Wayman,… …   Surnames reference

  • Weigh — Recorded in many forms including Way, Waye, Wey, Weigh, Attaway, Bitheway, Byway (English) Weg, Wegman and Wegmann (German), Van der Weghe, Van der Wegen and Wegman (Dutch) Wegsman (Askenasic) and possibly others including the English Wayman,… …   Surnames reference

  • Wayman — Recorded in many forms including Way, Waye, Wey, Weigh, Attaway, Bitheway, Byway (English), Weg, Wegman and Wegmann (German), Van der Weghe, Van der Wegen and Wegman (Dutch) Wegsman (Askenasic) and possibly others including the English Wayman,… …   Surnames reference

  • Wegman — Recorded in many forms including Way, Waye, Wey, Weigh, Attaway, Bitheway, Byway (English), Weg, Wegman and Wegmann (German), Van der Weghe, Van der Wegen and Wegman (Dutch) Wegsman (Askenasic) and possibly others including the English Wayman,… …   Surnames reference

  • ooze — {{11}}ooze (n.) soft mud, O.E. wase soft mud, mire, from P.Gmc. *waison (Cf. O.S. waso wet ground, mire, O.N. veisa pond of stagnant water ), from PIE *weis to flow (Cf. L. virus slime, poison, and possibly also viscum birdlime, mistletoe ).… …   Etymology dictionary

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