

Germanisches Wörterbuch . 2014.

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  • North Germanic languages — North Germanic Scandinavian Geographic distribution: Northern Europe Linguistic classification: Indo European Germanic North Germanic …   Wikipedia

  • sore — [OE] Sore comes from a prehistoric Germanic *sairaz ‘painful, pained’, which was related to Irish Gaelic sāeth ‘affliction, sickness’ and possibly Latin saevus ‘fierce’. It was borrowed into Finnish as sairas ‘ill’. The adverbial use of sore as… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • sorry — [OE] Sorry goes back to a prehistoric West Germanic *sairig , a derivative of *sairaz (source of English sore). The original base denoted physical as well as mental pain, but it is the latter semantic path that has been taken by sorry. Despite… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • sore — {{11}}sore (adj.) O.E. sar painful, grievous, aching, influenced in meaning by O.N. sarr sore, wounded, from P.Gmc. *sairaz (Cf. O.Fris. sar painful, M.Du. seer, Du. zeer sore, ache, O.H.G. ser painful ), from PIE root *sai suffering ( …   Etymology dictionary

  • sorry — O.E. sarig distressed, full of sorrow, from W.Gmc. *sairig , from *sairaz pain (physical and mental); related to sar (see SORE (Cf. sore)). Meaning wretched, worthless, poor first recorded mid 13c. Spelling shift from a to o by influence of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • saira- Ⅱ — *saira , *sairaz germ., Adjektiv: nhd. schmerzend, verwundet, wund, traurig, schmerzlich; ne. painful, sad; Rekontruktionsbasis: an., ae., afries., anfrk., as., ahd.; Vw.: s. * laika , * līka ; Hinweis: s. *saira …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

  • sore — [OE] Sore comes from a prehistoric Germanic *sairaz ‘painful, pained’, which was related to Irish Gaelic sāeth ‘affliction, sickness’ and possibly Latin saevus ‘fierce’. It was borrowed into Finnish as sairas ‘ill’. The adverbial use of sore as… …   Word origins

  • sorry — [OE] Sorry goes back to a prehistoric West Germanic *sairig , a derivative of *sairaz (source of English sore). The original base denoted physical as well as mental pain, but it is the latter semantic path that has been taken by sorry. Despite… …   Word origins

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