

Germanisches Wörterbuch . 2014.

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  • knife — [11] Knife is not a native English word, but a borrowing. It came from Old Norse knífr, which survives also in modern Swedish knif and Danish knif. It can be traced back to a prehistoric Germanic *knībaz, which also produced German kneif… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • knife — {{11}}knife (n.) late O.E. cnif, probably from O.N. knifr, from P.Gmc. *knibaz (Cf. M.L.G. knif, M.Du. cnijf, Ger. kneif), of uncertain origin. To further confuse the etymology, there also are forms in p , e.g. Du. knijp, Ger. kneip. French canif …   Etymology dictionary

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  • knife — [11] Knife is not a native English word, but a borrowing. It came from Old Norse knífr, which survives also in modern Swedish knif and Danish knif. It can be traced back to a prehistoric Germanic *knībaz, which also produced German kneif… …   Word origins

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