

Germanisches Wörterbuch . 2014.

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  • grit — [OE] Etymologically, grit is ‘something produced by pounding’. Prehistoric Indo European *ghrēu denoted ‘rub, pound, crush’, and from it came Germanic *greutam ‘tiny particles of crushed or pounded rock’, hence ‘sand, gravel’. Its modern… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • greuta- Ⅰ — *greuta , *greutam germ.?, stark. Neutrum (a): nhd. Grieß, Kies, Sand; ne. grits (Plural), gravel, sand; Rekontruktionsbasis: an.; Hinweis: s. *greutan (2), *greuta (Maskulinum); Quelle: Personenname (300); Etymolo …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

  • grit — [OE] Etymologically, grit is ‘something produced by pounding’. Prehistoric Indo European *ghrēu denoted ‘rub, pound, crush’, and from it came Germanic *greutam ‘tiny particles of crushed or pounded rock’, hence ‘sand, gravel’. Its modern… …   Word origins

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