
s. fauha-;
s. fawa-;

Germanisches Wörterbuch . 2014.

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  • Fawaz Naman Hamoud Abdallah Mahdi — is a citizen of Yemen who was held in extrajudicial detention in the United States Guantanamo Bay detainment camps, in Cuba.[1][2] He was released by US authorities in June 2007, and since then has been held in extrajudicial detention by Yemeni… …   Wikipedia

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  • Fawaz Naman Hamoud Abdullah MAHDI — est citoyen du Yémen, détenu à Guantanamo Bay depuis sa mise en détention initiale en Afghanistan en 2001. En décembre 2005, il était encore en détention. Il a ensuite été remis aux autorités yéménites, qui l ont à nouveau incarcéré en dehors de… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Fawaz Naman Hamoud Abdullah Mahdi — est citoyen du Yémen, détenu à Guantanamo Bay depuis sa mise en détention initiale en Afghanistan en 2001. En décembre 2005, il était encore en détention. Il a ensuite été remis aux autorités yéménites, qui l ont à nouveau incarcéré en dehors de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Fawaz Damra — (Arabic: فواز ضمره, Fawwāz Damra ) is an imam who lived near Cleveland, Ohio. He was deported and had his United States citizenship stripped for lying to immigration officials while obtaining that citizenship. Prior to this, he was tried and… …   Wikipedia

  • Fawaz Hussain — or Fawaz Husên (1953 ), is a contemporary Kurdish writer and translator. He was born in northeastern Syria. He pursued his studies in Sorbonne from 1978 to 1992, and received PhD in French language and literature in 1988. He is a member of… …   Wikipedia

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  • Fawaz Abd Al Aziz Al Zahrani — ( ar. فواز عبدالعزيز الزهراني) is a citizen of Saudi Arabia who was held in extrajudicial detention in the United States Guantanamo Bay detainment camps, in Cuba. [http://www.dod.mil/news/May2006/d20060515%20List.pdf list of prisoners (.pdf)] ,… …   Wikipedia

  • Fawaz al-Nashimi — (died June 2004), also known as Turki bin Fuheid al Muteiry, was a member of Al Qaeda and was identified by the group as the 20th hijacker of the September 11th attacks. Born in Saudi Arabia, Nashimi participated in the 29 May 2004 Al Khobar… …   Wikipedia

  • Fawaz Gerges — (b. Beirut, Lebanon) is an academic, author, and network news analyst, with expertise on the Middle East. He is currently the Christian A. Johnson Chair in International Affairs and Middle Eastern Studies at Sarah Lawrence College in the United… …   Wikipedia

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