
s. dunja-;

Germanisches Wörterbuch . 2014.

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  • din — [OE] Din is an ancient word, traceable back via Old English dyne and Germanic *dunjaz to an Indo European base *dhun , signifying ‘loud noise’. This is also represented in Sanskrit dhúnis ‘roaring’ and Lithuanian dundéti ‘sound’ …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • dunja- — *dunja , *dunjaz germ., stark. Maskulinum (a): nhd. Geräusch ( Neutrum) (1), Lärm; ne. noise; Rekontruktionsbasis: an., ae., ahd.; Hinweis: s. *duni ; Etymologie: s. ing …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

  • din — [OE] Din is an ancient word, traceable back via Old English dyne and Germanic *dunjaz to an Indo European base *dhun , signifying ‘loud noise’. This is also represented in Sanskrit dhúnis ‘roaring’ and Lithuanian dundéti ‘sound’ …   Word origins

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