
s. duhti-;

Germanisches Wörterbuch . 2014.

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  • doughty — [11] Doughty originally had the rather general sense ‘worthy, virtuous’ – ‘brave’ is a secondary specialization. It comes from late Old English dohtig, an unexplained variant of an earlier Old English dyhtig, which appears to have derived… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • doughty — (adj.) O.E. dohtig competent, good, valiant, from dyhtig strong, related to dugan to be fit, be able, be strong, and influenced by its p.p., dohte. All from P.Gmc. *duhtiz (Cf. M.H.G. tühtec, Ger. tüchtig, M.Du. duchtich), from PIE *dheugh to be… …   Etymology dictionary

  • duhti- — *duhti , *duhtiz germ.?, Substantiv: nhd. Tüchtigkeit, Tauglichkeit, Kraft; ne. usefulness, strength; Rekontruktionsbasis: ahd.; Etymologie: vergleiche idg. *dʰeugʰ , Verb, berühren, drücken, melken, spenden, Pokorny 271 …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

  • doughty — [11] Doughty originally had the rather general sense ‘worthy, virtuous’ – ‘brave’ is a secondary specialization. It comes from late Old English dohtig, an unexplained variant of an earlier Old English dyhtig, which appears to have derived… …   Word origins

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