

Germanisches Wörterbuch . 2014.

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  • stiff — {{11}}stiff (adj.) O.E. stif rigid, inflexible, from P.Gmc. *stifaz inflexible (Cf. Du. stijf, O.H.G. stif, Ger. steif stiff; O.N. stifla choke ), from PIE *stipos , from root *steip press together, pack, cram (Cf. Skt. styayate …   Etymology dictionary

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  • stiff — [OE] Stiff goes back to prehistoric Germanic *stīfaz ‘inflexible’, source also of German steif, Dutch stiff, Swedish styf, and Danish stiv. This in turn was descended from an Indo European *stīpos, a derivative of the same base as produced Latin… …   Word origins

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