

Germanisches Wörterbuch . 2014.

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  • Berman — may refer to: * Berman and Company * Berman v. Parker * Neuberger Berman Inc. * Robinson, Silverman, Pearce, Aronsohn, and Berman * Neuberger BermanBerman is the surname of: * Adolf Berman, Zionist activist * Andy Berman, American actor * Bart… …   Wikipedia

  • Berman — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Bart Berman (* 1938), niederländisch israelischer Pianist David Berman (Mobster) (1903–1957), US amerikanischer Mobster David Berman (Schauspieler) (* 1950), US amerikanischer Schauspieler David Berman… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Berman — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Pour consulter un article plus général, voir : Nom de famille germanique. Berman est un nom de famille notamment porté par : Adolf Berman est un …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Berman — Bẹrman,   1) [ bəːmən, beəmən], Eugène, amerikanischer Maler und Bühnenbildner russischer Herkunft, * Sankt Petersburg 4. 11. 1899, ✝ Rom 14. 12. 1972; emigrierte 1918 nach Finnland, 1919 nach Paris, von wo er 1940 in die USA übersiedelte. Unter …   Universal-Lexikon

  • BERMAN, HOWARD LAWRENCE — (1941– ), U.S. congressman. Raised in a traditional home in Beverlywood, Los Angeles, by an Orthodox Polish immigrant father, Berman spent several summers at Machene Yehuda, a Jewish camp in the hills northeast of Los Angeles San Fernando Valley …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Berman and Company — is a public affairs firm owned by lobbyist Rick Berman. Based in Washington, DC, Berman Co. represents many clients in industry and politics. Berman and Company takes special pride in its Relentless Creativity [… …   Wikipedia

  • BERMAN, JULIUS — (1935– ), U.S. lawyer, rabbi, and communal leader. Berman was born in Dukst, Lithuania. Despite the German occupation the family managed to immigrate to the United States in April 1940 and settled in Hartford, Connecticut. After earning a B.A. at …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • BERMAN, PANDRO S. — BERMAN, PANDRO S. (1905–1996), U.S. film producer. Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Berman was responsible for the production of 85 films for RKO, including the Ginger Rogers Fred Astaire musicals. Born into the film industry, Berman s father,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • BERMAN BERMAN, NATALIO — (1907–1959), Chilean politician and Zionist leader. Born in Podolia (Russia), Berman immigrated to Chile in 1915 when he was eight years old. His family settled in Valparaíso, where he graduated from high school. From early childhood he… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • BERMAN, ADOLF ABRAHAM — (1906–1978), socialist Zionist. Born in Warsaw, he was the son of Isser Berman, a well known Zionist and member of the Ḥovevei Sefat Ever society, and a brother of jacob berman . Adolf Berman joined the Left Po alei Zion as a student and edited… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • BERMAN, MYRON R. — BERMAN, MYRON R. (1928– ), U.S. Conservative rabbi. Berman was born in New York, educated at the City College of New York, and ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary. He also received a B.H.L. from its seminary college as well as an M.H.L.… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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