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Sper — fue principado armenio desde el año 837 hasta el 1071. Las tierras de Sper pertenecieron tradicionalmente a los Bagrátidas. Los bizantinos invadieron Armenia en el 837 pero la evacuaron rápidamente. Sin embargo, antes de irse, dejaron como… … Wikipedia Español
Sper — may refer to:*Sper (Georgia), an ancient Georgian principality *Sper (Armenia), an old region of old Armenia … Wikipedia
sper- Ⅰ — *sper germ.?, Verb: nhd. zucken, zappeln; ne. quiver (Verb); Rekontruktionsbasis: as.; Etymologie: s. ing. *sper (5), *sperə , Verb, zucken, stoßen, zappeln, schnellen, Pokorn … Germanisches Wörterbuch
sper- Ⅱ — *sper germ.?, Verb: nhd. zerreißen; ne. tear (Verb); Hinweis: s. *sperrō; Etymologie: s. ing. *sper (4), *per (5), *sperəg ?, *perəg ?, Verb … Germanisches Wörterbuch
Sper — Sper, Sperre Sperre, v. t. [See {Spar} bar.] To shut in; to support; to inclose; to fasten. [Obs.] To sperre the gate. Spenser. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sper — sper·ma·ceti; sper·ma·duct; … English syllables
sper|ma|to|zo|ön — sper|ma|to|zo|on or sper|ma|to|zo|ön «SPUR muh tuh ZOH uhn», noun, plural zo|a « ZOH uh». a male reproductive cell; sperm cell. A typical spermatozoon has a head, neck, and long, threadlike tail. ╂[< spermato + Greek zôion animal] … Useful english dictionary
sper|ma|to|zo|on — or sper|ma|to|zo|ön «SPUR muh tuh ZOH uhn», noun, plural zo|a « ZOH uh». a male reproductive cell; sperm cell. A typical spermatozoon has a head, neck, and long, threadlike tail. ╂[< spermato + Greek zôion animal] … Useful english dictionary
-sper — sper·mae; … English syllables
sper-2(g-) — sper 2(g ) English meaning: a kind of bird (sparrow?) Deutsche Übersetzung: in Vogelnamen, besonders ‘sperling” Material: Goth. sparwa, O.E. spearwa, O.H.G. sparo ‘sparrow” (*Proto Gmc. *sparwan ); M.H.G. sperlinc Ger.Sperling,… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
sper-3 — sper 3 English meaning: to turn, wind Deutsche Übersetzung: “drehen, winden” Material: Gk. σπεῖρα f. “ convolution, Spirale, all Geflochtene (e.g. of net, rope, hawser)”, σπειράω “coil, wickle”, σπείρᾱμα “ convolution, diaper “;… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary