

Germanisches Wörterbuch . 2014.

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  • shaft — {{11}}shaft (n.1) O.E. sceaft long, slender rod of a staff or spear, from P.Gmc. *skaftaz (Cf. O.N. skapt, O.S. skaft, O.H.G. scaft, Ger. schaft, Du. schacht, not found in Gothic), which some connect with a Germanic passive pp. of PIE root *… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Shaftment — The shaftment is a unit of length, 6 6½ inches or 2 palms, i.e. 15.24 cm. A shaftment is the width of the fist and outstretched thumb. The lengths of poles, staves, etc. can be easily measured by grasping the bottom of the staff with thumb… …   Wikipedia

  • shaft — [OE] Shaft is a general Germanic word, shared by German and Dutch schaft and Swedish and Danish skaft. These point back to a common prehistoric ancestor *skaftaz, which may have been descended from the Indo European base *scap ‘support’ (source… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • skafta- Ⅰ — *skafta , *skaftaz germ., stark. Maskulinum (a): nhd. Schaft, Speer, Pfeil; ne. shaft; Rekontruktionsbasis: got., an., ae., afries., anfrk., as., ahd.; Quelle …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

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  • shaft — [OE] Shaft is a general Germanic word, shared by German and Dutch schaft and Swedish and Danish skaft. These point back to a common prehistoric ancestor *skaftaz, which may have been descended from the Indo European base *scap ‘support’ (source… …   Word origins

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