
germ.?, Femininum:
nhd. Gabe;
Interferenz: Lehnwort lat. praebenda;
s. lat. praebenda, Femininum, zu Gewährendes;
vergleiche lat. prae, Präposition, voran, voraus;
idg. *prai, *perai, Präposition, vor, voran, Pk 811

Germanisches Wörterbuch . 2014.

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  • Prebend — • The right of a member of a chapter to his share in the revenues of the cathedral; also the share to which he is entitled Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Prebend     Prebend     …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Prebend — Preb end (pr[e^]b [e^]nd), n. [F. pr[ e]bende (cf. It. & Sp. prebenda), from L. praebenda, from L. praebere to hold forth, afford, contr. fr. praehibere; prae before + habere to have, hold. See {Habit}, and cf. {Provender}.] 1. A payment or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • prebend — c.1400, from O.Fr. prebende, earlier provende (12c.), from M.L. prebenda allowance, from L.L. praebenda allowance, pension (see PROVENDER (Cf. provender)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • prebend — [preb′ənd] n. [ME prebende < MFr < ML(Ec) prebenda < LL praebenda, state support to a private person < neut. pl. ger. of L praebere, to grant < prae , before + habere, to have] 1. the part of the revenues of a cathedral or… …   English World dictionary

  • prebend — In English ecclesiastical law, a stipend granted in cathedral churches; also, but improperly, a prebendary. A simple prebend is merely a revenue; a prebend with dignity has some jurisdiction attached to it. The term prebend is generally… …   Black's law dictionary

  • prebend — prebendal /pri ben dl, preb euhn /, adj. /preb euhnd/, n. 1. a stipend allotted from the revenues of a cathedral or a collegiate church to a canon or member of the chapter. 2. the land yielding such a stipend. 3. a prebendary. [1375 1425; late ME …   Universalium

  • prebend — [15] A prebend is a salary paid to a clergyman from the revenue of his cathedral. The word comes via Old French prebende from late Latin praebenda ‘salary, pension’. This was a noun use of the gerundive of praebēre ‘give, grant, supply’, and… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • prebend — preb•end [[t]ˈprɛb ənd[/t]] n. 1) rel a stipend allotted from the revenues of a cathedral or a collegiate church to a canon or member of the chapter 2) rel the land yielding such a stipend 3) rel a prebendary • Etymology: 1375–1425; late ME… …   From formal English to slang

  • prebend — /ˈprɛbənd/ (say prebuhnd) noun 1. a stipend allotted from the revenues of a cathedral or a collegiate church to a canon or member of the chapter. 2. the land yielding such a stipend. 3. → prebendary. {Middle English prebende, from Medieval Latin… …  

  • prebend —   n. Ecclesiastical, stipend of member of chapter.    ♦ prebendal, a.    ♦ prebendary, n. holder of prebend …   Dictionary of difficult words

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